5 Secrets to Stay Healthy During Work-From-Home/Remote Work Schedule

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Here are five super healthy habits to follow while working from home. 

healthy habits while working from home

As we were locked down in our homes when the COVID-19 pandemic overpowered the world, the biggest challenge faced by us was 'how to stay healthy/fit' within our homes. Many fitness gurus shared their mantras to stay healthy during the lockdown. Let's be honest it was easier for fitness experts to suggest, but for us, staying active and healthy was only a desire. Lockdown may not stay forever, but the remote-work/ Work-From-home (WFH) culture is here to stay. 

Currently, remote work opportunities are being offered worldwide and, the workforce is acclimating them. However, we have an inactive lifestyle, which increased our chances of catching flu and Covid-19 infection. Scary, Isn't it? What if we tell you that you can gain your health back by making subtle changes in your lifestyle and without exhausting exercises? This is an unbelievable fact, but even our fitness gurus will agree on it. Here's are five tips to stay healthy during WFH/ remote work schedule: 


5 healthy habits while working from home


Step out frequently - It is a risk zone, how can I go out? Yeah, we know this COVID-19 situation has made it difficult for us to step out of houses, but we can at least go out to neighbourhood gardens to get Vitamin - D and fresh air. We all got scared when COVID lockdown was imposed and was deprived of these natural components that help us stay healthy. Therefore, you should step out of your home for a few minutes during work breaks for this much-needed source of energy. Believe us, you won't need supplements once you implement this change in your lifestyle.


Stay active inside your home - Make a schedule for your daily activities including work and leisure. To help you focus on your health, you must know where and when you should invest your time. This also helps avoid work procrastination. Keep moving when you're not working and you will no longer feel that numbing pain in your legs. 


Drink green - We are in lockdown, which means less physical activities and it all messes up our health. One solution for this problem can be healthy drinks that include fresh smoothies, vegetable juice, and green tea. It helps you stay active (won't feel sleepy with these energy drinks) and keep your weight in check. Also, you must avoid packaged sugary drinks as it does more harm than good for your health.


Meditate - Good mental health is also a resolution to keep ourselves healthy in the remote work model. A positive mind benefits our happy hormones and our body responds to it. Therefore, you should devote at least 15-30 minutes of your day to meditation. This can help you collect your thoughts, focus on important things in life, and stay healthy. You can either start your day or end the day with meditation to keep yourself mentally productive. 


Catch up with friends - Lockdown restricted us to interact with friends and family. Thankfully, we have digital solutions where we can connect with them virtually. Take a few minutes out of your remote-work schedule to catch up with them and share some good times. This can boost your energy levels, and you get positive thoughts. Our health is not just limited to physical fitness. 


Follow these tips to stay healthy and make your remote-work life interesting.

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