User Reviews & Opinions - New brain teasers…bet to solve this..

sam () [ Reply ] 2009-05-22 21:32:27
@elizabeth, how long’s the hill? See the question its given he completed half distance in at an average speed of only three miles per means exactly the half distance....If its provided the distance..then you can solve it in a bit... are both sides of the hill the same length? See he is talking about return trip downhill not to the other side Answer: What i think's impossible... You can't average speed and distance. put an arbitrary distance to it and you realize you have used up all your time in the first half.
elizabeth () [ Reply ] 2009-05-22 18:08:44
how long's the hill? are both sides of the hill the same length?
    User Reviews & Opinions - New brain teasers…bet to solve this..
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