User Reviews & Opinions - Alcoholic, a Smoker and a Homo.. damn funny

Joe () [ Reply ] 2009-12-15 06:30:36
I was reading this joke, and being as I know it and it's short I continued. I realized it's not correct so here is the corrected version... An Alcoholic, a Smoker and a Homo all went to see the hypnotist one day to quit their vices. Sadly for them, the hypnotist told them that if they continued on with their lifestyles, they would die. So after paying the hypnotist they are told the "limits" of their hypnosis. When walking home that evening, they walk right in front of the bar. The Alcoholic man looks into the bar, then down the road, then back at the bar as says, "Man, I want a drink so bad…but if I drink I’ll die..." He finally decides that one drink can't possibly kill him. So he walked in and orded a drink from the bartender, takes one sip, and boom falls dead right there at the bar. So the smoker and homo continue walking. Eventually, they come across a cigarette on the road. They see that it is still light, apparently someone had just dropped it. The smoker looks at the cigarette and then at the homo, then at the cigarette again. The smoker says, "Man, I need a smoke so bad…but if I bend over and pick up the cigarette to smoke, I just might die like the alcoholic." He figures that one puff can't possibly kill him. Just before the bends over the homo says "I swear if you bend over to pick up the cigarette, I'll die too..." The next morning the police were called to pick up the smoker and homo from the street because they were both dead.
    User Reviews & Opinions - Alcoholic, a Smoker and a Homo.. damn funny
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